Project Callback & OAuth

You can manage your project's Callback URL and OAuth URLs in the Callback & OAuth section of the Manage page on the Developer Portal website.

What is Callback & OAuth?

  • Callback URL:
    This URL is used for redirects and server notifications. It is the domain where your backend service listens for incoming requests, such as user authentication responses or payment confirmation.
  • OAuth Redirect URLs:
    These URLs are used in the OAuth2 implementation for Faraway Connect. OAuth Redirect URLs manage the redirects for user login, authorization, and other OAuth flows within your project. You can specify up to 10 OAuth Redirect URLs for different environments (e.g., staging, production), versions, or your local service domains.

Steps to Manage Callback & OAuth URLs

  1. Required Role:
    Account Owner, Admin, or Developer.

  2. Navigate to the Manage Section:
    Click on the Manage section in the navigation bar and go to the Callback & OAuth section.

  3. Specify the Callback URL:
    Enter your Callback URL (e.g.,
    This URL will handle server-side redirects when actions like user sign-ins or data updates occur.

  4. Add OAuth Redirect URLs:
    Enter your OAuth Redirect URL (e.g.,
    To add more OAuth Redirect URLs, click on the + Add OAuth Redirect URL button.
    You can add up to 10 URLs for different environments, versions, or services (e.g., production, staging, local).

  5. Delete OAuth URLs:
    To delete a specific OAuth redirect URL, click on the trash can button next to the URL you want to remove.

  6. Save Changes:
    After making all necessary changes, click on the Save Changes button to confirm your updates.

Note: Confirm that the Callback and OAuth URLs are specified correctly to ensure proper integration with the Faraway Platform and a seamless user experience during login or transactions.